A Manufacturer Specialized in High-Quality Cold Finished Steel Bar for Free Cutting Stainless Steel, Free Cutting Steel and Tool Steel

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Company Profile

Company OverviewCompany Overview

Company name: Shimomura Tokushu Seiko Co., Ltd.
President: Yoshiaki Mori
Established: 1941
Capital fund: ¥298 million
Capital structure: Daido Steel Co., Ltd.: 88.27%, Daido Kogyo Co., Ltd.: 4.31%, Toyota Tsusho Corporation: 3.44%, others: 3.98%
No. of Employees: 298
Main business activities: Drawing free cutting steel and free cutting stainless steel, manufacture and sale of grinding and cold drawn products, and related business, sale of processed goods
Head office: 1-3-18 Ichikawa, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture 272-0034
Telephone: 047(321)3841 Facsimile: 047(321)3830
Head Office Sales Division: 1-3-18 Ichikawa, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture 272-0034
Telephone: 047(321)3821 Facsimile: 047(321)3830
Nagoya Sales Office: 303, 3-6-35 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture 460-0003
Telephone: 052(957)5380 Facsimile: 052(957)5382
Matsuo Plant: Matsuo Industrial Park, 668-1 Matsuomachi Kashikehongo, Sammu City, Chiba Prefecture 289-1537
Telephone: 0479(80)7210 Facsimile: 0479(80)7215
Fujimi Plant: 208-155 Matsuomachi Fujimidai, Sammu City, Chiba Prefecture 289-1515
Telephone: 0479(86)5231 Facsimile: 0479(86)4579
Nagoya Plant: Daido Steel Hoshizaki Plant, 2-30 Daidocho, Minami-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture 457-8545
Telephone: 052(308)3951 Facsimile: 052(308)3953
Nagoya Second Plant: Daido Steel Chita Second Plant, 11-20 Kitahamamachi, Chita City, Aichi Prefecture 478-0046
Telephone: 080(8117)5044


Sales revenues of the Shimomura Tokushu Seiko Group:

Information on the Daido Steel Group, of which Shimomura Tokushu Seiko belongs to.

Company Profile